The Giggle Queen

Random acts of the giggle queen. Intermittent blogs about my life, my thoughts, and other chaotic functions.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Here's your hat....

Well after uprooting the entire family and dragging us to a an area of Canada where the main entertainment consists of smoking (cigarettes and guns) and gasoline (producing or buying a toy that requires copious quantities of the stuff), Phil's company has decided that they no longer have a position in the company for him. If you would have asked how I felt about that two weeks ago there would have been a lot of of negative blasting, now I've mellowed to a sour bile that hurts the throat. I was at the point where I just wanted to find a nice muddy hole under a rock and curl up for several months. So ends one chapter.

As the song says I get by with a little help from my friends or in this case from relatives. Phil's sister-in-law Roberta seems to know everybody in town. Well not everybody but if you give her three names of who the person knows she can staple that person to the correct branch of the convoluted web of the Grande Prairie family tree. Sooo.... one of her friends, (also a client, Roberta does nails), had a friend, who had a brother-in-law (or something like that) who was looking for a safety guy at his company.
So after the domino connection and two interviews Phil has a new job. He starts August 5th. His old job end August 1st. I hope he doesn't get bored with all his time off. His new job title is Corporate Manager of Quality and Safety. Sounds pretty impressive doesn't it. I had a heck of time remembering it until I took the first two letters from each word Co-Ma-Qu-Sa. Sound it out. Sounds a bit like kamikaze doesn't it. Let hope that it is not prophetic.

On my job front, through a gross misuse of semantics, it turns out I am not making near the amount of money I thought. When I was hired I was told I would get 15% of new sales. Great. I even double checked this a few time with my boss, "So I get to keep my full commission?" Yep. I get to keep my full 15%. How it actually works is the company get a commission from each sale and I get 15% of that. So when I thought I was making $100 I was only make $15. When you factor in taxes when I thought I was taking home $50 I'm getting $7.50. So my first commission cheque will be roughly $45.00. Big f**cking whoop. I'm glad I came in early every day worked through lunch hours and left late. We don't get over time all the extra time I put in was to get my commission roughly 2+ hours a day x 5d x 12 weeks. You do the math. I'm just glad I only had the money spent in head and not on credit. Needless to say I'm back on the teeter-totter on whether I really want this soul sucking job or not. (Wait until I tell you what I really think).

Not a very cheery blog but I was finally able to get a bunch of stuff off my chest. I've wanted to blog a lot more but Phil asked me not to. He wanted all the dust to settle before a blasted the company. I will say the muddy rock is still sounding pretty good.


Blogger Kelly O said...

Life has been a bit of a roller coaster for all of you to say the least. I am gload that things have worked out for the best with Phil's job.

Have you had a chance to talk to your boss about the "misunderstanding" of your commission? Do you have a contract of some kind? Sucks to bust your hump and then get the shocker tiny paycheck at the end of the week.

Keep us posted.

7:52 PM  

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