The Giggle Queen

Random acts of the giggle queen. Intermittent blogs about my life, my thoughts, and other chaotic functions.

Saturday, July 05, 2008


We had our first thunder storm of the season. It didn't last long but it was welcome. I must say I love thunderstorms. How they change the temperature so suddenly, the gusting unpredictable winds, the abrupt rain showers, and of course the thrill of flash and crash. The unexpected blinding light then counting the moments waiting for the boom and rumbles.

Well another weekend waiting for people who said they were coming and then never showed up. Sheri was suppose to spend three to four days with us to clear up space at her house for wedding guests (her roommates are getting married). She never showed or even bothered to call to say she wasn't coming. I'll bug her after the wedding. I didn't think it was worth getting her upset about before it. After and all bets are off. It wasn't really that big a deal. More of annoyance making me feel taken for granted. Our guests have just been missing out on some awesome meals and appies that we've had planned out. Phil has been working around the yard and I have been getting in the way just often enough that he is grateful when I head back into the house to do something else.
My dad called. He was kind of beating around the bush, when I finally said, "Dad you sound like someone just shot your dog. What's up?" It turns out the ever since his prostate cancer his PSA count has been going up. PSA is a protein manufactured in the prostate and virtually no other organ. PSA is a good marker for the success of prostate cancer surgery. If they remove a patient's prostate and all of the cancer was inside, then the PSA should go to very low levels. If some cancer cells had escaped from the prostate, then the PSA will remain measurable or become measurable and continue to rise after a few years. As a practical matter, PSA readings over 0.5 usually indicate residual or recurrent cancer following surgery. Well Dad's PSA has been rising and now it is over 2. So he gets to spend a fun filled summer in Kelowna at the cancer clinic under going radiation treatments. I'm trying to stay positive. He's a tough stubborn old fart (said with love, the only thing he would argue about is the old part) but at the same time I am worried about him. I hope this doesn't take to much of a toll on him...and Vera (his wife). This is where being so physically distant is tough.


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