The Giggle Queen

Random acts of the giggle queen. Intermittent blogs about my life, my thoughts, and other chaotic functions.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it has already been two weeks since my nephew Alex graduated. He was the last of the generation on my husband's side. I guess it weddings and babies now. (And it better be that order!!!)
I love this picture a wall of Linfield backs watching the youngest get his diploma. The bright blue shirt on the left is Andrew, to his right is Doug (AKA Grampa), then Dave (Alex's Dad for those of you not in the know) and then Phil in the Hawaiian Shirt. ( Shocking to see Phil in a Hawaiian shirt isn't it?) Unfortunately I forgot my telephoto on diploma day so the pictures weren't that great. here is Alex on Grand March Day.
Then Alex and his date Rae. Followed by a picture of Alex's best friend Landon and their dates.
And finally the family Dave, Jessi, Alex and Roberta
It was a very busy week-end three days of festivities. It was great that Doug came up he end up spending the whole week and then the week-end following. That's when all the Linfield guys went to a father-son-daughter camp out. The girls Jessi and Sheri couldn't make it. So it turned into a all male affair from our family. This is an annual event held in the area and it was the twentieth anniversary of the event. I guess there three hundred people at the camp out. I haven't seen any photo's of the week-end for the stories I've heard it is probably just as well.


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