The Giggle Queen

Random acts of the giggle queen. Intermittent blogs about my life, my thoughts, and other chaotic functions.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

How to get a job in Grand Prairie. Take a deep breath in, release slowly. If you are still unemployed repeat. On my trip home I disembarked from the plane in Edmonton and did what most of the other ladies on the plane did I headed for the restroom. While in line I joked with the lady behind me in line. We had a 90-minute layover and the same woman ended up sitting beside me at the restaurant. We shared chitchat for a while. After hearing about my trip she ended up buying my lunch then offered me a job. So a week later I’ve done a McQuaig test, dropped by the office and seen what they do and been to my panel interview now I’m just waiting for them to check my references. So, drum role please, what is my new career… insurance broker. When I had mentioned that I was looking for work and she mentioned that she was an insurance broker and that I should give it a try. I told her that I hadn’t even thought about something like that. She said most people don’t. She also warned me that the first year is hell. There is an intense learning curve. But hey I like a challenge and I was looking for something less physically demanding. So hopefully this works out for me. So I didn’t even make it to Grand Prairie and I had a job. You gotta love Alberta.
I’m still dealing with the plague, which is pissing me off because I would really like to maintain my fitness level. I tried to go for a run yesterday. I managed to run for about a kilometre and then walked for nine. I then spent the rest of the day hacking up a lung. Whatever I have has settled into my lower lungs so it only hurts when I breathe. This is day eight of this thing so if it is the flu it should clear up in another day or two.
Phil is off to Toronto tomorrow morning. Hey we had ten whole days together so we really did need a break. He’ll be back Thursday.
I’m taking Sheila (my mom-in-law) to the hospital tomorrow to have her staples out. She had a knee replacement on the fifteenth. She is recovering remarkable well though she seems to be frustrated with her progress. I’m worried she’ll push to hard and end up hurting something. Speaking of knees Andrew got his MRI tests back. It seems his ACL is MIA and he has a couple of nasty meniscus tears. They are going to put him on the cancellation list and hopefully he can get in for surgery as soon as possible.

Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm Back

Everyone has been following the other blog so I'm pretty sure you are all up to date. Home on Wednesday, settled Thursday, Sister on Friday, company Saturday, plague on Sunday. Actually the plague settled in on Saturday but I tried to hide it as much as possible. After not being in the area for a few months all the little flu bugs did the high dive splash into my immune system and are having a pool party. Started with a sore throat and an earache. Which progressed into a deep throbbing headache, sinus congestion, chest congestion and a vocal chord destroying cough. Add achy muscles, itchy skin rash, upset stomach and over whelming fatigue and you understand why I feel like a plague victim. At one point I was trying to fold up the air mattress in the basement. (Pull plug, lay on mattress, fold, repeat.) That strenuous cardiovascular workout put me half into tears and had me convalescing on the couch for several hours. I did see the ridiculous, ironic humour in that. Wonder Woman to whipped puppy in 24 hours. Lets hear it for the bugs.