The Giggle Queen

Random acts of the giggle queen. Intermittent blogs about my life, my thoughts, and other chaotic functions.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Chasing Rainbows

What a beautiful day today is. It actually is starting to feel like spring. What a relief after experiencing yesterday’s dump of the white stuff. I have the door to the upper deck wide open to lets some air in. It’s nice that the upper deck is completely enclosed so the cats can get out with flying the coop. The air is still a little brisk so I put my fuzzy slippers on so I can type this with out my feet getting cold. They have a creek running in the ravine below us and accompanied with the birds singing it is very soothing.
Yesterday was a lazy day I went shopping. It was more like I went browsing. Usually I am very goal oriented; here’s my list. Get in. Get out. Yesterday if I went into a store I went down every isle. Meandering along. I found a beautiful crystal in Value Village. I always associate Easter with Grampa’s death. I actually have no idea what the exact day was I just know it was Good Friday. So with Easter approaching and it being the fifth anniversary of his death I have been thinking more and more about him. Towards the end of his life it was painful for Grampa to get around so he used to sit in his armchair a lot. He confided to me once that loved to watch the rainbows from the crystals in the window. Since that time I have been unable to look at crystals without thinking of Grampa. So finding the crystal yesterday felt a bit like serendipity. I put it out in the full moon yesterday and today I hung it in the window. The cats don’t know quite what to think of all the different rays. It is amusing watching them with their puzzled expressions, contemplating rainbows.


Blogger Kelly O said...

How are the cats doing? I figure about the time they settle down you will be off again.

How is Sheri?

5:07 PM  

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